Monday, December 8, 2008

Keeping me busy

So, I've been playing a couple games to keep me busy until Christmas comes.

F.E.A.R. - I've really enjoyed this game, but I was stuck at a part a very long time ago and never could get past it. Some how, some way..I figured it out and I've started to progress through the story. Creepy ass game, but I enjoy it. I like sitting at the edge of my seat wondering if anymore ninja creepy things will be hopping down from the ceiling ready to chop me up. It's awesome.

Stranglehold - Ok, I bought this game a long time ago VERY cheap at Best Buy brand new. Couple of my best friends told me it was awesome. So, I finally opened it up and started playing. One word to describe me for leaving it sealed for so long: IDIOT. It's pretty cool! Fast paced action, slow motion style kills and a bunch of neat stuff. I'm not a fan of the shooters where you can slow down time, ect..but this game hits it all just right for me.

Puts a neat twist on the action and it presents a challenge. I'm glad I've started to play it and hopefully I'll finish it before Christmas, I should. I checked how many chapters there were, there are only 7, I've gotten 2 completed already.

Thanks to everyone who has left comments regarding my decision for a baby. We're still unsure, but I think we will wait at least a year.

Anyways, I'm out!



Anonymous said...

I love the AI controls on F.E.A.R

Tiffany48 said...

Good Luck with your decision!