Thursday, August 28, 2008


I've just set up a paranormal investigation outside of Cincinnati. I'm pretty excited about it!

Reported activity: Doors opening/closing on their own. Voices, pots and pans moving. Apparations, shadow people and the sound of children playing. She thinks something that has been following her for years.

So, on Saturday 9/6, I'll be finding out what's going on.

Really that's all there is to say.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm Lazy

It's true, I've been to lazy to write in this thing, hopefully this snaps me out of my mood.

Anyways, you've all seen the puppy. I love that puppy, such a energetic joy in our home. Oh, guess what?! I think we may have found our first home. We meet with our loan officer tomorrow and then perhaps offer on the house. We're very excited, it's a 4 level split and was just one of those, "that's the one" moments after walking through. If we get it, expect a tour! Super excited!

Anyways, I haven't played WoW much in awhile. I think I might have burnt myself out again. Only the 5th time. I've been playing Madden a bit. I know not many of my viewers/subs are sports fans, but I love Madden. I've got every single madden that's released.

I get asked, why do you buy Madden every year when nothing changes? That's false, they always add something different to Madden and make it more unique. Besides, having updated rosters and the big players coming to your favorite team make it awesome. I'm currently 6-0 in my franchise with none other than the MIAMI DOLPHINS! Woot!

Also, got some awesome news: I was given free tickets to the Ohio State Buckeyes opening football game. The people who know me best, know that I am borderline obcessive with the Buckeyes. Comes with being an Ohioan I guess?

I've actually wrote a bit, I had my "Randomness" video come out and I have my "Top 5 Favorite Superhero Movies" video uploaded, just has to get approved through the partnership thing to run ads.

I've received news Mavrek and Tiff(his fiancee) are having their baby Piper on Friday. So freakin' excited for them. I told Tiff already, I require baby photos! Good luck!

Back to work I go, take care everyone. By the way, no ustream tonight, I've got a lot to do to prepare for my loan officer.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Be there tonight! 5:30 EST!