Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sorry it's been awhile...

Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in quite a while. I'm starting to think though, only Sixty X Celph reads this. Oh well, I'll continue to promote it through my videos and hope people check it out.

So, I've been pretty unhappy at Best Buy lately. It was going great, I was promoted to full time in 2 months of working there, but now I feel under appreciated. I was promised a couple things when I became full time and when I confronted the management about it, I was pretty much blown off. I still want to grow at Best Buy and possibly become a manager down the road, but I am taking a financial risk with cutting my original job to part time. I'm sure no one wants to hear about this, so I'll move on...

World of Warcraft has consumed my life again. I really thought I had the will power to fight it off like I have in the past. When I first started WoW, it's all I did. I was able to control my playing after awhile, but now it has me back in it's clutches. I'm 92% through my current level of 38. Pretty happy with my progression, I've leveled basically 9 levels in 3 days.

On the upside, I have made about 5 different videos for ya guys, but none of them will upload. It's starting to irritate the shit out of me. Turok is coming out and my 360 isn't back yet. Hopefully, my fiancee pulls through and gets it for me. It will be a nice return to my 360 present.

Hopefully, I'll get a video to go through soon. See ya guys and gals!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Damn you Blizzard!

So, World of Warcraft has pretty much consumed my life. I started playing it Saturday night around 5pm and I played it off and on until about 1am. Then I played all day today(from 1pm to now-10pm). I've leveled up my paladin on Cho'gall from 30 to 35(I'm 82% through level 35). If anyone plays WoW or plays on Cho'gall especially let me know. Would be cool to play with ya guys.

So, World of Warcraft has consumed most of my time, unfortunately, that means reviews and everything will take a bit longer. Well, this will be quick and short. Back to the obsession of WoW!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Feeling better

Hey guys. I did a short video yesterday, as you know I was feeling a bit under the weather. Thankfully, I'm feeling much better. I appreciate all the messages/comments I get from you guys on my videos.

I've had a few messages regarding my xbox being back because I've accepted some friend requests. Just so you know, it's not back. If you go to, you can sign onto your xbox live account, I do this on a daily basis, because I get a million and one messages/friend requests from my awesome I didn't want my xbox to have a melt down from the amount of messages and friend requests once I turn it on. I'll try to answer questions and I'll accept friend requests through the website. I'll make a video about this if anyone didn't read this.

My fiancee and I watched the Gameplan starring The Rock. It was actually a funny and "cute" movie. I enjoyed it and I wish I would have bought that over Mr. Woodcock. Oh well, I don't think I'll make a movie review on the Gameplan unless someone wants it specifically.

Turok comes out the 31st! Woohoo, my fiancee said she is already buying it for me for V-Day. I bought her a remote car starter plus the install (totaled to $200). She said she is also buying me Super Smash Bros. Brawl when it comes out. So that's kick ass. I'm so pumped for Turok, I may have her purchase it on my ps3, because I'm not sure my xbox will be back in time. Hopefully it will be. I don't want to wait to play Turok.

The Nintendo Rep at Best Buy also notified me that Super Smash Bros. Brawl WILL NOT be pushed back anymore. I was pretty happy about that, because if it was going to be pushed back one more time, I was going to go insane!!

Anyways, that's it for this update. Hope you enjoyed the blog. Take care!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Not a long post..

Hey guys..wanted to give you a quick update of what I did today. I bought Saw IV and Mr. Woodcock. Mr Woodcock wasn't what I hoped for. I haven't watched Saw IV yet, so I'll most likely make a video of my opinion on Saw IV and the whole Saw series. I also plan to do a 28 weeks later review..I promised this along time ago.

As far as gaming..I just hit level 64 on my undead mage last night. I am also on chapter 16 or 22(I think) in Uncharted. Love that game!

As I said, this is short and sweet. See you later!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Memorable Game Series

You're probably thinking, holy crap..two blogs in ONE day! I am bored at work and I figured I'd post memorable series.

The Zelda Series: Starting from the NES Zelda to the most current(Twilight Princess), I've never been fully let down. One Zelda I didn't like very much was Majora's Mask, but I still played it and almost fully beat it. I think because Ocarina of Time(my all time favorite) came out before Majora's Mask, I had such high expectations..that nothing could compare. Majora's Mask was a good story and all, just is my least favorite Zelda out.

Resident Evil Series: Now, I am a massive horror fan, more specifically a HUGE zombie fan. I love zombie movies, I think I enjoy them because the bad always wins it seems. You can't stop a zombie infestiation, it's impossible. So, when the first Resident Evil was released, I was young and I remember being scared. I love the feeling of being scared or "spooked". I think that might be a reason I love being a paranormal investigator(off subject-sorry). I never have gotten to play Code Veronica X (or whatever it was called), but I can say I've enjoyed all Resident Evil games. Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles is fun, but I need to play it more to give a full review. Let's just say, I am more anxious to play Resident Evil 5 than any other game at the moment (I believe it's slated for 2009).

Donkey Kong Series: This is a memorable series because I would sit down at the SNES with my dad and we would play for days until it was fully beaten. I think I most like this game, because it was a memorable father/son game. All three kicked ass on the SNES and we completed all three! Donkey Kong 64 was really enjoyable and I believe I beat it or was at the very end. Now-a-days the Donkey Kong series isn't what it was. I didn't enjoy the gamecube bongo Donkey Kong and the Wii version doesn't look very appealing.

Alone in the Dark Series: Now, I'm not sure how many will remember this game. When I first got into gaming, my dad and I played the Alone in the Dark games on the PC. They had to be installed through floppy disks (haha). Finding clues and being scared to death is what I miss most from those games. I believe 3 different games came out for the PC and we beat all three. A very memorable series!

Super Mario Bros. Series: Who could go through a list of game series and seriously forget the Mario franchise? The 3 for the NES are still games my fiancee and I play frequently. The SNES super mario is a classic and the Super Mario 64 very well could be in the top 10 games of all time for me. Super Mario Sunshine was the one game from the franchise I never played and I regret it, I'll try to find me a copy and purchase it down the road. Super Mario Galaxy is amazing and I need to play it more, I brings back that feeling of the Super Mario 64 game. Mario Kart is imfamous and I have never been let down by that series..double dash was my least favorite, but still kick ass. The Paper Mario series = phenominal(SP?). The gamecube Paper Mario was my favorite, but the Super Paper Mario(wii) is an inch behind it. Mario party is always fun for family gatherings or for a bunch of friends. Luigi's Mansion was fun to a certain extent. There have been a million and one games spun off of Mario and they were all fun!

-I would mention the Sonic Series, but to be honest, I never had the sega genesis until July of 2007, so I never fully got to be part of the Sonic history. Although the games are still fun from back in the day, I was never fully part of the history.

Youtube again..

Alright, I'm seriously come to the point where, if these damn videos don't upload..I don't see a point of being a youtuber anymore. Argh! Other than the uploading frustrations..I've met some really cool people along the way. What I enjoy most on youtube is personal opinions. I'm not one who bashes personal opinions, unlike most of the youtube population. Now, that may sound like a contridiction(SP?), but what I meant matter how people may leave pissy comments, people still post their opinions and feelings in their videos. I really enjoy that. That was random, but oh well.

So, I've been wanting to get back into my Wii and PS3 lately, but something happened I was hoping wouldn't. I'm being sucked back into the beam of World of Warcraft obsession. I played for 2 years and finally quit because it got boring and I didn't like the expansion. So, I hopped on last night after waking up from a nap I took after work and played for a good 2 hours before my fiancee made me go see 27 dresses. Which I don't mind, I definitely needed to spend some quality time with my fiancee and take her to a movie she wanted to see. It was a pretty entertaining movie to say the least. Anyway, back to the WoW subject. I hated doing quests and farming really bad, but last night it was fun. I'm not sure if it was because I haven't done it in forever, the majority of the games on consoles are shooters. So far it's been fun. If you play and read this, I play on two different servers. Shadow Council(Horde-Aevex) and Cho'gall (Alliance-Axian).

Perhaps my obsession will end at the return of my xbox 360. I do know I need to quit being lazy and get some full reviews for my subsribers. I'll start working on that, if the damn youtube videos would upload!

In closing, I'd like to thank Sixty X Celph for basically "giving me the idea" to do this written blog. He didn't personally come out and say it, but if I never would have met him, I wouldn't have seen his written blog and been inspired. So thanks Sixty. I too can't wait for the Marvel Ultimate Alliance review from you, that's a game I've been wanting FOREVER.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Youtube = Ass

I've made about 3 different videos, none will process correctly on youtube. I'm starting to get annoyed. I've talked with several people concerning my xbox and about 90% of the people I spoke with told me, they got a brand new system. That would be awesome. I really want my HDMI port on the 360, so I can do my 1080p gaming rather than 720p.

I did buy some things today. We had a great deal on DVD's at Best Buy today (if you watched my videos on youtube, then you'd know I work for Best Buy as one of my jobs), I bought Godfather, Godfather Part II, Ghost (for my fiancee), Top Gun (because I've never seen) and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. All were $5 each. I plan on buying Saw IV, just because I own Saw I, II and III. I've never seen Saw IV and to be honest, the Saws seem to get worse as they come out, but I might as well own the last Saw. I hope its the last Saw anyway, they've worn that movie out badly.

Has anyone seen Cloverfield? I've spoken with two co-workers and they said they would see it again. It looks like a rip-off of Godzilla, but I do thing the way the movie shot would be neat. I'm not sure if I want to spend the money in the theatres to watch it or just wait for it to hit DVD. If anyone has any information on it, that would be kick ass and much appreciated.

So, I've started to compile a list of what I will buy as far as gaming this year. I'll name what I can remember. Metal Gear Solid (ps3), Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii-the reason I bought the damn Wii), Little Big Planet (ps3), Turok (360), Lost Odyssey (SP?-this is a possible, looks really neat), Resistance 2 (ps3-scheduled for fall of 08), Pirates of the Burning Sea(PC-maybe), Rainbow Six Vegas 2(if it gets released), Ghost Busters(360). That's all that comes to mind.

Some games I wouldn't mind picking up after a price drop would be Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga(360) and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii). Well, I've rambled enough, hope you had fun reading through this...


Thursday, January 17, 2008

A start in the right direction

Well, today started off pretty well. I received my box to send out my xbox 360 to the repair center. I'll be waiting for 2 or 3 weeks, but atleast I got step one done. Tomorrow I'll send the box back to the service center and away my xbox goes. I hope it gets permanently fixed or I get a brand new system. I know the newer systems were updated to not have problems like this one, I'd really love the new model of the pro. Another reason why I'd love the new pro is because it has a HDMI port, for my tv. No more 720p gaming, up to 1080p where my tv allows.

I made a video for youtube, but the damn thing didn't upload right, so I have to make a new video. Damn you, youtube! Today will be a short post, but enjoy!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Red Ring of Death

So, I finally got hit the the infamous "Red Ring of Death" from my xbox 360. It took a year and a half to hit me though. I am extremely pissed off and to add on to my annoyance, I had to deal with someone from another country, who I couldn't understand. Now, I don't consider myself racist, but if you will be dealing with english speaking people, please please please, learn the english language before you go to tech support. I had to respell everything for him atleast 3 or 4 times. Oh well, I atleast have a box on the way, so I will be getting it fixed, I hope. I've heard a lot of horror stories of Microsoft royaly fucking people in the ass when it comes to "fixing" your xbox360. I've heard a lot of false promises, so I sure hope it gets fixed.

Want to hear another thing that pisses me off? I've heard people tell me, well you played it too much. Are you fucking joking me? I paid $400(when the pro was $400) for my xbox360, it should last me a fucking life time. Want to know what else is funny? My NES(Nintendo Entertainment System) and my SNES(Super Nintendo Entertainment System) and all my other old consoles work PERFECTLY. The NES came out in 1987 I believe, come on! Give me a break! So, I guess that I will play my Wii and my PS3 for now. I do have a COD4(Call of Duty 4) addiction and I want to get back on there and play. I'm rank 39(600 EXP until 40). COD4 = top 5 game. I also opened my World of Warcraft account back up for the time being. I'm sure I won't stick with it, but I haven't played for a few months, so I decided what the hell. There is a new expansion for it coming out. I may check it out. Then again, I wouldn't have to play WoW if Hellgate: London didn't blow donkey dick. What a let down that game was...

Time to cool down, DAMN YOU MICROSOFT!

My First Blog

Hello, my name is Matt. I'm know as Shepdawg25 on youtube. I do gaming reviews and most talk about gaming. I do talk about my other hobby, paranormal investigating. I actually co-founded a group here where I live (Ohio) and our website is Check it out, if you are interested in ghostly stuff. I'll eventually get around to posting my personal stories in my old home. I consider myself a "media collector". I collect DVD's, as I am a huge movie go'er. I believe I just surpassed the 290 mark on DVD's with my last purchase (Good Luck Chuck). Gaming wise, I own around 18 gaming consoles/handhelds and I own games for all of them. In a seperate blog, I'll post all my handhelds/consoles and possibly my gaming collection, which surpassed the 300 mark after christmas came. 300 games total, with all the consoles. I have a kick ass T.V. to play my 360/ps3 on..a 42" panasonic plasma 1080p. I love my t.v. A lot of you are probably thinking, how the hell does he afford all this(trust me, I get this on a daily basis through my youtube videos (, I work two jobs. I make good money and I spend that money. Can't take it with you when you die. Wow, I wasn't expecting to do this long of a introduction..hope you enjoy my blog!

-By the way..I hope you don't take this as a brag post. I'm trying to give you a rundown of all my older videos about what I own, ect.