Friday, September 19, 2008


So, of course, my life cannot go without something going wrong. I got a call from Brittany's dad yesterday. He went to check out the house and found out that our wind storm, screwed up a lot of the roof and someone had also broke in by knocking the glass out of the door in the back. Two things that happened after I put my offer in. So, they can either pay for those repairs, or I'm pulling out.

Secondly, I watched Freedom Writers with Brittany last night. I was really impressed. I bought it because I wanted it and because of Sixty's review. It's a very, very touching movie and I really enjoyed it. I recommend it to anyone.

Gotta run.



Anonymous said...

:( tough luck about the house

Sixty X Celph said...

Murphy's Law, mate.

Glad to hear you enjoyed Freedom Writers. (^_^)

Mavrek48 said...

Yea that sucks, they better pay for it. Also glad to hear about Freedom Writers.

Tiffany48 said...

I'm sorry about the bad news!
I have updated my blog if you wanna check it out!