Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I need ideas!

Alright, so I got a new video up. http:// , I made a new video before that about xbox live, but after rewatching it last night, I need to remake the video, as I left a few things out of it. Basically, I talk about my experience with xbox live, what I have purchased from the arcade and how it has positively impacted my life(sounds weird, but you'll understand after watching).

Anyways, since I know my most dedicated viewers read this blog, I'd like to ask for some ideas on what I can do for new videos. What would YOU like to see? Any certain questions or something I haven't shown you? I need new material, I know I can always review new games and movies, but if you have any good ideas, that you arn't using for your videos, I'd be glad to hear it.

So, yeah..I bought Cloverfield yesterday. Haven't watched it yet. I watched Day of the Dead and it continues to be my least favorite, but I like it much more now that I watched it again.

Well, not much else to say, hope everyone is having a kick ass day/week. Take care!



Mavrek48 said...

The xbox live video sounds pretty interesting, I'll look forward to that one.

As for new ideas, hmm, I'd like to see maybe a video on movie reccomendations, I know you tell us whether its good or not when you but them, but maybe a top 10 list or something would be cool

Also maybe a top ten list of stuff the stuff you have, games, movies, cds anything, your ten favorite things you have period, ha dang that would be hard right?

Sixty X Celph said...

Haha, I'm intrigued by the idea of a Top Ten Favorite Things I Own vid, as Mavrek suggested there. That'd be hella interesting.

I can't really think of anything otherwise right now, but if I think of somethin', I won't hesitate to suggest it!

big0whopper said...

mmmmmm new ideas, You could do one about your future wife, or your sister that you tell us is a gamer also it would be great to see a debate between you two lol. erm....... new series that i like is the why buy a something series, so you could do why buy a wii and why a xbox 360 and so on, You could talk about game classic so we all remember the good days. another tour of your apartment would be nice. thats all i can think of right now good luck

Sixty X Celph said...

You know what would actually be pretty interesting is some vids with you and your sister on games you have differing opinions about, and just show us two different opinions about something, y'know?

My mind's scattered at the moment, so if I didn't get my idea across, let me know and I'll try to explain it better.