Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hectic Week!

Sorry about the ustream last night. I've had a crazy week and after work yesterday I had to go to Newark for a family issue. I apologize, but it's something that couldn't be avoided.

Monday, I went to a Cincinnati Reds game, which is why I didn't have my usual ustream. The Reds lost, like anything else is new..but I had a blast at the game with my dad.

So yesterday, the issue was about my wedding and such..which I feel I've taken care of mostly, still some issues to resolve, but nothing that should hinder my wedding (hopefully-*knock on wood*). So, I hope all that was going to go to my ustream, got my youtube message I sent out to everyone on my friends list that notified I would not be able to do the ustream.

So after talking with my mom and step dad about everything we ate dinner and then got my sister's final birthday gift(she had the majority of the money, my mom paid the difference). She got a 40g playstation 3! Very excited she got it, so we can play ps3 games together now. She bought Army of Two as her first ps3 game and she also got a messenger kit for her xbox 360. With my birthday just around the corner(4/20), my mom gave me an early birthday gift and bought me......Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for the xbox360. So, it was a good night after all.

I've turned my little sister into a gamer(haha), she has all the next-gen consoles and is starting to grow a nice little library.

As far as videos, I've got one in the works, but my mic isn't working properly and is pissing me off. So, hopefully I can figure out the problem and finish off what's left of my video. Stay tuned!



Mavrek48 said...

Hey Shep, glad you enjoyed Crash. Big Fish you may like if you ever have a chance. Its a fantasy movie with Ewan McGregor. I'm totally outta the loop on the Ustream ha i never know when you gonna be on. Keep Me posted

Mike said...

Hey Shepdawg, I know a great idea you should have your sister start a blog and a youtube account that would be so awesome!!!!!