Friday, March 28, 2008

New Game!

Hey guys, so yesterday after talking with my General Manager at Best Buy, I learned that there is much more for me to learn in becoming a senior/supervisor, so I am going to be taking training classes with my GM on moving up in the company. It's going to be tough, because my GM is tough, but atleast I'll grow with the company this way. I was also selected as a team leader during our PI night, for anyone who doesn't know what PI's basically a night where our entire store will be scanning EVERY single item with a barcode(UPC). To get an accurate count on what we actually have in store. It's done once a year and it sucks, I am leading the hardest part of our store..I had a meeting yesterday after my shift about what to do...yikes!

Anyways, I was in a mad rush to get to Newark, see my sister for her birthday. Her birthday was actually Wednesday, but I had to work both jobs, so we celebrated her birthday yesterday. Anyways, it was a myself, my sister, my mom, my sisters boyfriend and my lovely fiancee. You may want to know what I got her..since I haven't mentioned it. I bought her Condemned 2:Bloodshot for the xbox360. She was given Super Smash Bros. Brawl from her boyfriend, so I had to go with plan 2. She wanted Condemned I bought it.

After eating out at Roadhouse(yum), we stoped at the Newark Best Buy, because I've seen their media department, and it needs help. I just stopped in to check it out and my sister was getting Rainbow Six Vegas 2..well my mom out of no where asked me which I wanted out of the two: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 or Condemned 2. My mom kicks much ass! I chose Condemned 2, because I wanted it a tad more after playing it with my sister before we went to eat. I can't wait to play it tonight after work, I couldn't play it last night because I work both jobs today and we got back late.

So for my birthday, I've already let my fiancee know what I want. I told her she didn't have to get me anything, but if she was I'd want Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Mario Kart Wii(I know-it comes out a week after my b-day). I'll probably ask my dad for Bully(360). Not sure..

Exciting news: I think we may have set our date for the wedding. September 13,2008.

So, that is my update. I hope you enjoyed the blog. Take care!



Mavrek48 said...

good blog man, that was a packed couple of days. September 13, thats a few days after our baby is due, thats pretty cool, anyways keep em coming

notafanboy21 said...

yo shep thats awesome how u got condemned 2 but also congrats on the wedding day please check out my blog if u can thnx shep

Sixty X Celph said...

Excellent choice on the game from your mom!

That sounds like very boring work, scanning everything that has a barcode... oi.