Monday, March 17, 2008

Losing Weight

That's right! Time to finally do something about my weight. I opened up a YMCA membership and I am going to be working out when possible, one downfall, even less updates and videos. I'm sorry. I made a video for you last night, but out of no where, my audio screwed up badly.

I've also been taking vitamins daily and I am changing my diet. I'll be drinking no pop, and if I do drink pop, it will be diet. I can see it everyday that I have gained a lot of weight. I used to be skinny, when I play football/basketball/baseball, so I'd like to have that back. I worked out yesterday and I am so damn sore, it's hard to move. I know this isn't related to gaming, but it's something different to talk about.

As far as gaming goes, I'm going to have a significant drop in new video games. I've got no money for it and I need to save for a wedding. Besides, I've got so many damn games to beat, it's dumb that I keep buying more and more shit. Movies, I'll still buy. I want to buy I am Legend, but it got mixed reviews, so I think I may be renting it first. For Easter, my mom mentioned buying me a game of my choice, so I may have her get me Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

Anyways, back to the original topic. It's going to be really hard, especially since I have to eat on the go so much, due to working two jobs. I never have much in the apartment to eat, because my Fiancee and I arn't there enough to eat a lot, so we try not to buy too much, because it just ends up spoiling in the long run and then I waste money. My target weight is 180, I weigh 223 right now. So that's 43 lbs I need to lose. Going to be very hard, but I am determined to lose this weight. Any tips for me to lose weight? I know eating right and working out are the two essential parts. My fiancee bought this whetbolic drink stuff that helps you burn fat after you work out. You have to drink it an hour after your work out. So any tips would be awesome!


1 comment:

Sixty X Celph said...

I've no suggestions to offer, I'm just here to wish you luck. And I hope you stick to it better than I ever stick to my work-out regimen and changing my diet.

Can't be helped, I'm a lazy pig, haha.