Monday, March 31, 2008

Ustream Details for 3/31/08

Just posting this for Ustream details: I'll be getting on at 4:30pm EST. Hope to see you all there!

Friday, March 28, 2008

New Game!

Hey guys, so yesterday after talking with my General Manager at Best Buy, I learned that there is much more for me to learn in becoming a senior/supervisor, so I am going to be taking training classes with my GM on moving up in the company. It's going to be tough, because my GM is tough, but atleast I'll grow with the company this way. I was also selected as a team leader during our PI night, for anyone who doesn't know what PI's basically a night where our entire store will be scanning EVERY single item with a barcode(UPC). To get an accurate count on what we actually have in store. It's done once a year and it sucks, I am leading the hardest part of our store..I had a meeting yesterday after my shift about what to do...yikes!

Anyways, I was in a mad rush to get to Newark, see my sister for her birthday. Her birthday was actually Wednesday, but I had to work both jobs, so we celebrated her birthday yesterday. Anyways, it was a myself, my sister, my mom, my sisters boyfriend and my lovely fiancee. You may want to know what I got her..since I haven't mentioned it. I bought her Condemned 2:Bloodshot for the xbox360. She was given Super Smash Bros. Brawl from her boyfriend, so I had to go with plan 2. She wanted Condemned I bought it.

After eating out at Roadhouse(yum), we stoped at the Newark Best Buy, because I've seen their media department, and it needs help. I just stopped in to check it out and my sister was getting Rainbow Six Vegas 2..well my mom out of no where asked me which I wanted out of the two: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 or Condemned 2. My mom kicks much ass! I chose Condemned 2, because I wanted it a tad more after playing it with my sister before we went to eat. I can't wait to play it tonight after work, I couldn't play it last night because I work both jobs today and we got back late.

So for my birthday, I've already let my fiancee know what I want. I told her she didn't have to get me anything, but if she was I'd want Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Mario Kart Wii(I know-it comes out a week after my b-day). I'll probably ask my dad for Bully(360). Not sure..

Exciting news: I think we may have set our date for the wedding. September 13,2008.

So, that is my update. I hope you enjoyed the blog. Take care!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Awesome turnout!

So, the ustream thing went great. I think the max I had was 8 or 9 people, but still the core guys and gal who showed up to the ustream really kicked ass! Those who showed up Monday and Tuesday: Chronicles of Bayley, Notafanboy21, Mavrek48, and Diablo. I had other show up, so it was a cool experience. Thank you all for showing up, it was a blast and I can't wait to do it again!

*My next scheduled ustream as of right now is: Monday (March 31st) between 6:30-7.

Anyways, this blog will be short as I really have nothing to talk about or blog about, so I want to thank everyone for the positive reinforcement about losing weight, it truly helps! See you later!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ustream Information

Hey guys and gals, I opened up a ustream account, so hopefully we will see some people on tonight. It's I'll be doing a live video around 7pm EST. The latest would be 7:30pm EST, I have to work out and hopefully, I get home for a shower and such in time. I should be on at 7, but if I'm not on at that exact time, I'll be on shortly after.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A big thank you!

What's up guys? I just wanted to start off this blog saying thank you very much for the kind words and the encouragement. I've been given some really nice tips and I overly appreciate it from everyone. It means a lot.

I've decided to go ahead and start my ustream account. I think my first live chat, as of right now, will be 3/24 around 7pm EST. I'll see how many show up and if only a couple people showed up, it would be really fun. That way I can answer gaming/movie/paranormal or whatever other questions you may have right then and there. So, as of right now, that's when my first live chat will be. Stay tuned for some details for my ustream.

I bought I Am Legend yesterday. I know I said I would rent it, but getting a rental was a pain and Circuit City had it for $13.99. So I went to my store(Best Buy) and priced matched it. $14 for a new release is pretty damn good. Hell rentals alone are like $6 or something stupid for one night. I really enjoyed the movie, I don't understand what people hated about it so much. I'm not huge on CGI, but I thought it did a well enough job, I didn't mind it. So, I'd say definitely rent it atleast, you won't be let down.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 comes out today. I'm sad I can't buy it. I need self control on my money though, so it will benefit me in the long run. I've already accrued like $350 in credit card debt in one month, because I started buying stuff like crazy. That was stupid.

I just realized, I talk about a lot of shit, most people wouldn't with you guys. It's cool, because you guys are very supportive and I appreciate it immensly. Anyways, I've got to bounce. Time to get back to work. Take care!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Losing Weight

That's right! Time to finally do something about my weight. I opened up a YMCA membership and I am going to be working out when possible, one downfall, even less updates and videos. I'm sorry. I made a video for you last night, but out of no where, my audio screwed up badly.

I've also been taking vitamins daily and I am changing my diet. I'll be drinking no pop, and if I do drink pop, it will be diet. I can see it everyday that I have gained a lot of weight. I used to be skinny, when I play football/basketball/baseball, so I'd like to have that back. I worked out yesterday and I am so damn sore, it's hard to move. I know this isn't related to gaming, but it's something different to talk about.

As far as gaming goes, I'm going to have a significant drop in new video games. I've got no money for it and I need to save for a wedding. Besides, I've got so many damn games to beat, it's dumb that I keep buying more and more shit. Movies, I'll still buy. I want to buy I am Legend, but it got mixed reviews, so I think I may be renting it first. For Easter, my mom mentioned buying me a game of my choice, so I may have her get me Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

Anyways, back to the original topic. It's going to be really hard, especially since I have to eat on the go so much, due to working two jobs. I never have much in the apartment to eat, because my Fiancee and I arn't there enough to eat a lot, so we try not to buy too much, because it just ends up spoiling in the long run and then I waste money. My target weight is 180, I weigh 223 right now. So that's 43 lbs I need to lose. Going to be very hard, but I am determined to lose this weight. Any tips for me to lose weight? I know eating right and working out are the two essential parts. My fiancee bought this whetbolic drink stuff that helps you burn fat after you work out. You have to drink it an hour after your work out. So any tips would be awesome!


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Quick Update!

I watched Hitman, I loved it. I watched No Country for Old Men, absolutely fantastic. I did not buy Condemned 2:Bloodshot, money is really low, I won't be buying games for awhile. I'm 60% through the Subspace Emissionary in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I've unlocked quite a few characters though that. Let me know your opinions on that ustream. This is where this ends. Take care!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hey guys, I've been debating make a channel and having live chat with my viewers. What do you think? I'll make a video about it and try it out. See how many people show up for the live chat. Would be fun I would think.

Anyway, I played Warhawk tonight, very disappointed. It wasn't anything I had hoped for and I absolutely hate the controls on it. I also played Army of Two and I loved it so far. Very, very fun. It's not a easy game either and I love the side "missions" you can do to earn money. Money = good. You can buy new weapons and everything else, which makes the game very neat. I love how you have to use strategy and the small things were very cool. Highly recommend this game for at least a rent, I'll give a full review once I play it more.

Beat God of War: Chains of Olympus. I can't remember if I told you about that already, very short game, but I still think it was worth the $35 I spent on it. Anyway, let me know what you think about the idea. Take care!

Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Thank God, it is actually and finally in my hands. I've waited months and months and months for this damn game to release and I finally got to play it. My lovely fiancee came through and brought it home after work last night. We played together and she actually enjoys it. We only played a few matches, because Big Brother came on (our favorite t.v. show) and we went to bed early. She works all night tonight, so I'll be playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl all night. I'm going to make it my goal to unlock as many characters as I can. Specifically, Sonic and Solid Snake. My favorite character is and always will be Link. Being a massive fan of the Zelda series, Link has always been my favorite.

Anyways, I have yet to open Army of Two. That blizzard kept me locked up inside Saturday and my fiancee was with me, so I spent a lot of time with her, I needed it, we haven't been together a lot lately, due to work. Sunday, I worked 6a-1p and I slept once she left for work at 2p until 8:30p when she got home. Then I had to play Super Smash and watch Big Brother as noted above.

Tuesday, I'll be buying Condemned 2: Bloodshot for the 360 and Hitman, possibly on blu-ray. No country for old men looks good, but I have to buy Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 on 3/18. I may finish out Condemned tonight, but I've got Smash Bros. on the mind, so I'll try but I doubt I'll fully complete it. I've beat the majority of the first Condemned.

Well this is where this ends. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Short and sweet..

So, we were hit by a massive blizzard. That sucked, but all was well...I now own Army of Two for the ps3. I had to get something new for the ps3, so I got Army of Two for it. I will be getting Super Smash Bros. Brawl tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Hey guys, sorry you haven't heard from me for awhile. My internet has been down for the last 3-4 days, so I haven't been able to do a blog or post a video in awhile. So finally, it was fixed this morning, took you long enough Time Warner!

Anyways, what have I been up to lately? Last Saturday night I watched the UFC fight with a couple friends. I've been getting into the UFC fights a lot lately. So far, my favorites are: Chuck Liddell(SP?), Brock Lesnar(just came into UFC, big ass dude..hits hard). That's really all I've seen that I liked immediately. Before the fight, I bought a 320g external hard drive to store my music on. I've linked my pc up to my 360 and I love listening to my music during games, it's awesome. So, I'm in the process of ripping every CD I have (which is way too many) to my external hard drive.

Sunday, I cleaned my apartment all day. I bought a new dvd stand, because my other one was almost full and I moved my other one in the gaming room, I may most an updated tour thing, to show you.

Monday, I watched American Gangster. I know I'll get flamed for this, but can I say...BORING. I LOVE gangster flicks, I loved blow(which is similar to this movie)..but this was just boring to me. What made it ever worse was, it was 2 hr and 40 mins of boringness. Bleh.

Tuesday(Yesterday), I bought 101 Dalmations for my fiancee, since it was just released from the vault and I bought Ben10 season 3 for me, because it's my favorite cartoon. Oh yeah, one last thing I bought...God of War: Chains of Olympus. Holy shit guys, this game is bad ass. Finally, the PSP has been dusted off and God of War kicks serious ass. I played it for a good 2-3 hours last night. My thumb is a tad sour, because the analog pad thing sucks. It is exactly like God of War, just for a hand held. Thank you God for releasing something worth while for the PSP. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Silent Hill Origins, just not enough to get the PSP out continually and play it. It was $35 well spent so far.

WoW update: I haven't played for like a week and a half now, I just don't have the desire anymore. I'm sure I'll get back into it, but for now I'm going to focus on my console gaming, because I owe a lot of reviews to my fans and now that I have God of War for the psp, I see a lot of time going towards that. I've got Rainbow Six:Vegas 2, Condemned 2 and last but not least: Super Smash Bros. Brawl releasing. It's going to be crazy!

So this message is to Ed(guildmaster of my guild on WoW): I'm going to be quite busy with work/console games, I'll try to get on and finish to 70, but right now I think I need to keep with my small break, it was just getting too repetitive, and I need to relax before I play myself to death and not enjoy it anymore(that happened to me twice now). I'll do the best I can to get on though. See ya around.

Anyways, back to the blog. My purchases for next week include: Hitman(Blu-Ray) and Condemned 2:Bloodshot (xbox 360). My fiancee is buying me Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii). Well, I'm going to get off here and go back to work(ugh!). I'll try to get you a video up tonight, I'll reshoot the one I already did, because it has old news. Take care!

-Matt aka Shepdawg25