Thursday, February 21, 2008

Too much Work!

So, yeah..I just worked from 3pm till 6:30am at Best Buy. Whew, that was a long shift. I'm so tired, but I'm trying to get you guys something so here ya are...

Can't wait for Super Smash/Condemned 2/Rainbow Six Vegas 2....a lot of money to spend in little time.

My xbox360 froze up on me last night. It's acting up and I'm afraid I'll get the red rings again. I'll be pissed to no end if it screws up again. I'm loving Turok way to much to have it die out on me.

I hit level 53 last night on my paladin. I got out of Un'Goro Crater and for those who play on a PvP server and have been in Un'Goro questing, you'll know the pain/agony of that forsaken place. I'm glad my quests are done there.

Anyways, I've got to catch up on sleep. Sorry it's short, but I'm falling asleep as I type this.

1 comment:

Sixty X Celph said...

Long shifts suck, man.

I've noticed that the list of games I can't wait for is shorter than yours, haha. Thank the gods, as I've not that much money to spend on vidgames, though.

Everybody seems to have way more trouble with 360's than I do *knock on wood*. Mayhap I'm just that lucky? Or nobody else takes proper care o' their consoles? =Þ