Wednesday, February 13, 2008


What's up guys. I've gotten a pretty good response from the Uncharted review. I do have the Call of Duty 4 review completed, it just won't upload.

I know a lot of my subsribers want gameplay footage, but it takes a bit of time to compile that all together. Free time is something I don't have much of right now. So, I try to get something out to you guys quickly, therefore I've decided that I won't do gameplay footage unless it is such a badass game. Call of Duty 4 and Uncharted deserve the gameplay footage, but unfortunately, I was rushing you guys new videos, so I didn't do it.

Yesterday, I didn't really do much. I didn't do any console gaming and I didn't even level in WoW.

I've got so many games from Christmas I need to play that I haven't yet. I barely have touched Mass Effect. I need to play Orange Box(360), Ratchet and Clank(ps3), Warhawk(ps3), Manhunt2(Wii), Two Worlds(360) and I'm sure there is more I can't think of. I know Two Worlds got horrible ratings, but I'm hoping it's better than what people have said. Also, can't wait for Turok! I definitely think I have it coming for V-Day, will be exciting. I won't get to play it probably until Friday, maybe a tad on thursday after my fiancee falls asleep.

So, I watched 1408 with Samuel L. Jackson. One word for that movie: Terrible. Don't bother watching it at all. Ending sucked ass and the whole movie was just stupid. I did get to see AVP2:Requiem(SP?). Badass movie, not as good as the first, but definitely worth watching for sure. I bought a couple movies the other day: Grandma's Boy(which I just watched-funny as hell), Alien vs. Predator (AVP), Badder Santa(haven't watched it in forever, love that movie) and Prince of Egypt (can't help it, I like the Moses story).

Quick plug here, I watched Sixty X Celph's friend Tebo Productions on youtube. I enjoyed it, I thought the 30 minute movies were awesome. I'm not a huge fan of the music videos, but I did enjoy the movies. I am still trying to figure out what the hell was going on in the movie(name escapes me) about the two high school students(maybe you can help explain a little more Sixty). Go check it out if you get some time.

Anyways, this is where I end this blog. Hope you enjoyed it. Bye!

1 comment:

Sixty X Celph said...

You're talking about "What Goes Around", aye?

Basically, Tebo got drunk at a party, and drove me [Sixty] home. Subsequently, I get killed in a car accident. Then, my ghost starts haunting Tebo and eventually I kill him and switch places, or rewrite history, to where he died in the car accident. That part's kind of a stretch of the imagination, haha.

There's other things, but that's the basics. That clear up any confusion? I'm glad you liked them, either way. But, you didn't dig the music vids, huh?

1408 sucked? Damn, that movie looked so good.

Grandma's Boy is hilarious, I love that film.