I made a video for you all last night. I answered some questions sent in and I did my 30 days of night review. Of course, I tried to upload it two different times (the second time I tried the "loader not working" trick, because sometimes that works), of course, it didn't work at all. I think I don't have the desire to make videos anymore because I know they will never load and it is pissing me off to no end.
I haven't done any gaming since Monday night, I've just had no desire. I want to play my console games(360 primarily-because I've got so much to play with from Christmas), but I'm afraid the piece of shit will go red ring and I don't even want to deal with Microsoft again. I am to the point, where I hate Microsoft with a passion. At work, I feel like I am ripping people off when they buy a 360, I love the system, but I hate the Microsoft failures. I stress our replacement plan to people so hard, because I've been through the shit with Microsoft already.
I haven't played WoW since I've leveled to level 56. I'm so tired of questing and leveling, it gets old after awhile. The higher I get in levels, the longer it takes and blah. I'm 4 levels from an epic mount though, so I do have a tad of motivation.
I have a paranormal investigation on Saturday. It's a residential investigation, so I can't release any information on it, unless the client signs our paper stating we can. I can tell you what evidence shows up, just can't give location, ect. Sunday, I'll probably sleep in till 2 or 3 pm, maybe later, because I won't be home from my investigation until atleast 5 am. We leave early, if we have no activity, but if we do have activity, I can probably get home as late as 7-8am.
My gaming goals this week: Level to atleast 58 in WoW. Play Orange Box/Two Worlds/Mass Effect(didn't play much at all) for the 360. Play Manhunt 2 for the Wii. I'm sure I've got other games unopened, just can't think of them.
I've been thinking of buying Frontline: Fuels of War, because I've heard some good things and we keep selling out of it at work. I'll have to read up on it a bit more, but if you own it/have played it..let me know what you think of it.
This is where this blog ends, I may just do another during my lunch break, if I can think of something cool to do, like favorites of something else...stay tuned!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Work Sucks!
So, I haven't updated since last Wednesday. I've been working like crazy. After my 16+ hour shift, I had the entire day off work on Thursday, so I slept basically the entire day. Friday, I had my first job off, so I slept until I had to go to work. Then I worked 3-11, played a little WoW afterwards. Saturday I worked 2:30-11 and Sunday I worked 1-8. I've been closing like crazy and today I work from 9-5, then I have a meeting with my paranormal team from 5:30-10, tonight. Tomorrow after work (6am-2:30), I'll finally have some resting time. I know you don't care about my work schedule, but working sucks, especially two jobs.
Anyways..I've bought a few things recently. Not sure if I told you, last Tuesday I bought 3 movies. American Gangster, Chaos and War. Chaos and War were 2 for $15. The guy from the transporter(name escapes me-Jason S...?) is badass, so that's why I bought Chaos and War. Not a fan of Jet-Li at all, but hopefully it will be good. I've yet to watch any of those 3. I also bought 3 movies we had on sale last week(all were $3.99). I bought House of 1000 Corpses(saw it already and I liked it), Devil's Rejects(have yet to watch it-heard good things about it), and Waiting. I've seen Waiting and I loved it. Ryan Reynolds and Dane Cook are halarious. I also like the guy from the PC vs. Mac commercials.
On Tuesday, I'll definitely be buying 30 days of night. Looks awesome and my friends tell me I must buy it when it comes out. So, I'll take their word for it and buy it. My mom asked me what I wanted right now, if anything, just for the hell of it I guess..so I told her I'd like Lost Oddessy. Perhaps, she will get it. Would be cool, I've heard good things about it. My fiancee is getting me Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I'm so damn excited. You don't even know.
Last night, during my 2 hour play session of WoW, I hit level 55. Been moving right along, and it helps that one of my best friends is a 70 hunter, so when he is able to help, I fly through quests. The halarious thing is, I leveled when I discovered a new place. Never done that before, thought it was funny.
So, I've gotten this question a ton lately on youtube, what's your top 5 games on the next gen systems/handhelds, so I decided I'd post that here, since youtube is being stupid and not letting me upload. Reminder: I'm going to put a game in the console I own it on. If it's multi-platform, it will go with the select console I own it for.
Honorable Mentions: Halo 3, Saint's Row
5) Guitar Hero III
4) Crackdown
3) Rainbow Six: Vegas
2) Turok (Suprising, eh?-I love this game)
1) Call of Duty 4
Honorable Mention: Lair(if the controls weren't difficult, this could easily be in my top 3)
5) Warhawk
4) Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
3) Heavenly Sword
2) Resistance
1) Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
-Nintendo Wii-
5) Resident Evil 4
4) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
3) Trauma Center
2) Super Mario Galaxy
1) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
*I'm sure Super Smash Bros. Brawl will easily take first place upon it's release!
-Nintendo DS-
Honorable Mention: Super Mario 64 DS
5) MarioKart DS
4) Contra 4
3) Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
2) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
1) Legend of Zelda: Phantom of the Hourglass
-Sony PSP-
5) Madden 2007
4) World Series of Poker
3) Star Wars Battlefront II
2) Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles
1) Silent Hill Origins
*I'm sure God of War: Chains of Olympus will give my #1 a run for it's money. I'll buy that on release date.
That sums those up. Anyways, I think I've posted enough material for a bit. I'll keep working on getting a video up, I've got like 4 videos on my desktop that won't upload. I'll have to delete them and start over. See ya around!
Anyways..I've bought a few things recently. Not sure if I told you, last Tuesday I bought 3 movies. American Gangster, Chaos and War. Chaos and War were 2 for $15. The guy from the transporter(name escapes me-Jason S...?) is badass, so that's why I bought Chaos and War. Not a fan of Jet-Li at all, but hopefully it will be good. I've yet to watch any of those 3. I also bought 3 movies we had on sale last week(all were $3.99). I bought House of 1000 Corpses(saw it already and I liked it), Devil's Rejects(have yet to watch it-heard good things about it), and Waiting. I've seen Waiting and I loved it. Ryan Reynolds and Dane Cook are halarious. I also like the guy from the PC vs. Mac commercials.
On Tuesday, I'll definitely be buying 30 days of night. Looks awesome and my friends tell me I must buy it when it comes out. So, I'll take their word for it and buy it. My mom asked me what I wanted right now, if anything, just for the hell of it I guess..so I told her I'd like Lost Oddessy. Perhaps, she will get it. Would be cool, I've heard good things about it. My fiancee is getting me Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I'm so damn excited. You don't even know.
Last night, during my 2 hour play session of WoW, I hit level 55. Been moving right along, and it helps that one of my best friends is a 70 hunter, so when he is able to help, I fly through quests. The halarious thing is, I leveled when I discovered a new place. Never done that before, thought it was funny.
So, I've gotten this question a ton lately on youtube, what's your top 5 games on the next gen systems/handhelds, so I decided I'd post that here, since youtube is being stupid and not letting me upload. Reminder: I'm going to put a game in the console I own it on. If it's multi-platform, it will go with the select console I own it for.
Honorable Mentions: Halo 3, Saint's Row
5) Guitar Hero III
4) Crackdown
3) Rainbow Six: Vegas
2) Turok (Suprising, eh?-I love this game)
1) Call of Duty 4
Honorable Mention: Lair(if the controls weren't difficult, this could easily be in my top 3)
5) Warhawk
4) Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
3) Heavenly Sword
2) Resistance
1) Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
-Nintendo Wii-
5) Resident Evil 4
4) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
3) Trauma Center
2) Super Mario Galaxy
1) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
*I'm sure Super Smash Bros. Brawl will easily take first place upon it's release!
-Nintendo DS-
Honorable Mention: Super Mario 64 DS
5) MarioKart DS
4) Contra 4
3) Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
2) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
1) Legend of Zelda: Phantom of the Hourglass
-Sony PSP-
5) Madden 2007
4) World Series of Poker
3) Star Wars Battlefront II
2) Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles
1) Silent Hill Origins
*I'm sure God of War: Chains of Olympus will give my #1 a run for it's money. I'll buy that on release date.
That sums those up. Anyways, I think I've posted enough material for a bit. I'll keep working on getting a video up, I've got like 4 videos on my desktop that won't upload. I'll have to delete them and start over. See ya around!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Too much Work!
So, yeah..I just worked from 3pm till 6:30am at Best Buy. Whew, that was a long shift. I'm so tired, but I'm trying to get you guys something so here ya are...
Can't wait for Super Smash/Condemned 2/Rainbow Six Vegas 2....a lot of money to spend in little time.
My xbox360 froze up on me last night. It's acting up and I'm afraid I'll get the red rings again. I'll be pissed to no end if it screws up again. I'm loving Turok way to much to have it die out on me.
I hit level 53 last night on my paladin. I got out of Un'Goro Crater and for those who play on a PvP server and have been in Un'Goro questing, you'll know the pain/agony of that forsaken place. I'm glad my quests are done there.
Anyways, I've got to catch up on sleep. Sorry it's short, but I'm falling asleep as I type this.
Can't wait for Super Smash/Condemned 2/Rainbow Six Vegas 2....a lot of money to spend in little time.
My xbox360 froze up on me last night. It's acting up and I'm afraid I'll get the red rings again. I'll be pissed to no end if it screws up again. I'm loving Turok way to much to have it die out on me.
I hit level 53 last night on my paladin. I got out of Un'Goro Crater and for those who play on a PvP server and have been in Un'Goro questing, you'll know the pain/agony of that forsaken place. I'm glad my quests are done there.
Anyways, I've got to catch up on sleep. Sorry it's short, but I'm falling asleep as I type this.
Monday, February 18, 2008
So, I have a bitter sweet feeling. American Gladiators is no longer on. The finale was last night, which means I don't get to see sexy Crush for awhile. American Gladiators is a badass show and I am glad they decided to bring it back. I was a huge American Gladiators fan when the show was aired, a long, long time ago.
At the same time, I'm happy because they decided to do a Winter edition of Big Brother. I've been watching the show Big Brother since the very first season. It's funny and sad to see the true colors of the human race come out. Greed does weird things to people.
I watch American Idol with my fiancee. Unfortunately, my favorite part is over..I love watching Simon Cowl screw with people, sometimes he can go a bit overboard, but he is funny to watch. Now, I have to watch people sing over and over again..boring. It's funny, I used to hate musical type shows/movies. My fiancee is a huge fan of them, so I watch stuff with her. I enjoy musicals and such, because it has a story line and such..but watching people sing to try to become a musical artist, no thanks. Not fun to me at all.
And since I've decided to talk about t.v. shows I enjoy, I'll mention my favorite cartoon, Ben10. I love this show, the aliens, the fighting, the jokes..all works out. Badass theme song too.
Well, I figured I'd post a pointless blog for you all. Enjoy.
At the same time, I'm happy because they decided to do a Winter edition of Big Brother. I've been watching the show Big Brother since the very first season. It's funny and sad to see the true colors of the human race come out. Greed does weird things to people.
I watch American Idol with my fiancee. Unfortunately, my favorite part is over..I love watching Simon Cowl screw with people, sometimes he can go a bit overboard, but he is funny to watch. Now, I have to watch people sing over and over again..boring. It's funny, I used to hate musical type shows/movies. My fiancee is a huge fan of them, so I watch stuff with her. I enjoy musicals and such, because it has a story line and such..but watching people sing to try to become a musical artist, no thanks. Not fun to me at all.
And since I've decided to talk about t.v. shows I enjoy, I'll mention my favorite cartoon, Ben10. I love this show, the aliens, the fighting, the jokes..all works out. Badass theme song too.
Well, I figured I'd post a pointless blog for you all. Enjoy.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Quick Update
So, it looks like I'll need to do a brand new Call of Duty 4 review, since Youtube is a pain in the ass. Give me time to do it and by the time I get to it, I'll probably have Turok beaten. Turok is really good in my opinion. I've been having a blast with it, I don't understand why people don't like it. I did try the Multiplayer, which wasn't too impressive. I'll check it out again later once more people buy it and I have time to devote to checking it out.
I've had no time to game lately, except today and I slept a lot of my day and working on the apartment. I level to 51 on my paladin in WoW and I played Turok/Uno on the 360. As the title says, this is going to be a short update. Take care.
I've had no time to game lately, except today and I slept a lot of my day and working on the apartment. I level to 51 on my paladin in WoW and I played Turok/Uno on the 360. As the title says, this is going to be a short update. Take care.
Friday, February 15, 2008
What I want to Own
I decided to list a bunch of games that I want that will be or is supposed to be released in 2008 and some games I've just never got around to buying.
-Lost Odyssey (360)
-Pirates of the Burning Sea (PC)
-Lost Planet(releases on the PS3 this year, I may grab it for that system)
-God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP)
-Army of Two (360)
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
-Condemned 2:Blood Shot(360)
-Rainbow Six Vegas:2 (360)
-Dark Sector (360-maybe)
-Haze (ps3)
-Ninja Gaiden 2(360)
-Metal Gear Solid 4(ps3)
-Mario Kart Wii(Wii)
-Alone in the Dark (360)
-End War(360)
-Little Big Planet(ps3)
That's all I could find for now. I've got a lot of money to spend in 2008. Whew, can't wait!
-Lost Odyssey (360)
-Pirates of the Burning Sea (PC)
-Lost Planet(releases on the PS3 this year, I may grab it for that system)
-God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP)
-Army of Two (360)
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
-Condemned 2:Blood Shot(360)
-Rainbow Six Vegas:2 (360)
-Dark Sector (360-maybe)
-Haze (ps3)
-Ninja Gaiden 2(360)
-Metal Gear Solid 4(ps3)
-Mario Kart Wii(Wii)
-Alone in the Dark (360)
-End War(360)
-Little Big Planet(ps3)
That's all I could find for now. I've got a lot of money to spend in 2008. Whew, can't wait!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Ok, so my fiancee pulled through, I got Turok for Valentines Day! She also promised to buy me Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii on it's release day.
So, here are my initial thoughts for Turok. The gameplay has been fun, it's got me grabbed. The story hasn't started off to great, but what shooters really have that great of a story line? I love the bow and arrow/knife and of course my gun. The dinosaurs are extremely fast and make it very challenging. I love the stealth type of attacks you can perform. The graphics are very well done. I haven't tried the multiplayer yet, because I didn't want to take much time away from my fiancee on Valentine's Day.
That's my initial thoughts. I definitely think it's worth a rent. It looks like a good purchase so far.
*side note - my call of duty 4 review WILL NOT upload! Grr! Hopefully that changes.
-Take care!
So, here are my initial thoughts for Turok. The gameplay has been fun, it's got me grabbed. The story hasn't started off to great, but what shooters really have that great of a story line? I love the bow and arrow/knife and of course my gun. The dinosaurs are extremely fast and make it very challenging. I love the stealth type of attacks you can perform. The graphics are very well done. I haven't tried the multiplayer yet, because I didn't want to take much time away from my fiancee on Valentine's Day.
That's my initial thoughts. I definitely think it's worth a rent. It looks like a good purchase so far.
*side note - my call of duty 4 review WILL NOT upload! Grr! Hopefully that changes.
-Take care!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
What's up guys. I've gotten a pretty good response from the Uncharted review. I do have the Call of Duty 4 review completed, it just won't upload.
I know a lot of my subsribers want gameplay footage, but it takes a bit of time to compile that all together. Free time is something I don't have much of right now. So, I try to get something out to you guys quickly, therefore I've decided that I won't do gameplay footage unless it is such a badass game. Call of Duty 4 and Uncharted deserve the gameplay footage, but unfortunately, I was rushing you guys new videos, so I didn't do it.
Yesterday, I didn't really do much. I didn't do any console gaming and I didn't even level in WoW.
I've got so many games from Christmas I need to play that I haven't yet. I barely have touched Mass Effect. I need to play Orange Box(360), Ratchet and Clank(ps3), Warhawk(ps3), Manhunt2(Wii), Two Worlds(360) and I'm sure there is more I can't think of. I know Two Worlds got horrible ratings, but I'm hoping it's better than what people have said. Also, can't wait for Turok! I definitely think I have it coming for V-Day, will be exciting. I won't get to play it probably until Friday, maybe a tad on thursday after my fiancee falls asleep.
So, I watched 1408 with Samuel L. Jackson. One word for that movie: Terrible. Don't bother watching it at all. Ending sucked ass and the whole movie was just stupid. I did get to see AVP2:Requiem(SP?). Badass movie, not as good as the first, but definitely worth watching for sure. I bought a couple movies the other day: Grandma's Boy(which I just watched-funny as hell), Alien vs. Predator (AVP), Badder Santa(haven't watched it in forever, love that movie) and Prince of Egypt (can't help it, I like the Moses story).
Quick plug here, I watched Sixty X Celph's friend Tebo Productions on youtube. I enjoyed it, I thought the 30 minute movies were awesome. I'm not a huge fan of the music videos, but I did enjoy the movies. I am still trying to figure out what the hell was going on in the movie(name escapes me) about the two high school students(maybe you can help explain a little more Sixty). Go check it out if you get some time.
Anyways, this is where I end this blog. Hope you enjoyed it. Bye!
I know a lot of my subsribers want gameplay footage, but it takes a bit of time to compile that all together. Free time is something I don't have much of right now. So, I try to get something out to you guys quickly, therefore I've decided that I won't do gameplay footage unless it is such a badass game. Call of Duty 4 and Uncharted deserve the gameplay footage, but unfortunately, I was rushing you guys new videos, so I didn't do it.
Yesterday, I didn't really do much. I didn't do any console gaming and I didn't even level in WoW.
I've got so many games from Christmas I need to play that I haven't yet. I barely have touched Mass Effect. I need to play Orange Box(360), Ratchet and Clank(ps3), Warhawk(ps3), Manhunt2(Wii), Two Worlds(360) and I'm sure there is more I can't think of. I know Two Worlds got horrible ratings, but I'm hoping it's better than what people have said. Also, can't wait for Turok! I definitely think I have it coming for V-Day, will be exciting. I won't get to play it probably until Friday, maybe a tad on thursday after my fiancee falls asleep.
So, I watched 1408 with Samuel L. Jackson. One word for that movie: Terrible. Don't bother watching it at all. Ending sucked ass and the whole movie was just stupid. I did get to see AVP2:Requiem(SP?). Badass movie, not as good as the first, but definitely worth watching for sure. I bought a couple movies the other day: Grandma's Boy(which I just watched-funny as hell), Alien vs. Predator (AVP), Badder Santa(haven't watched it in forever, love that movie) and Prince of Egypt (can't help it, I like the Moses story).
Quick plug here, I watched Sixty X Celph's friend Tebo Productions on youtube. I enjoyed it, I thought the 30 minute movies were awesome. I'm not a huge fan of the music videos, but I did enjoy the movies. I am still trying to figure out what the hell was going on in the movie(name escapes me) about the two high school students(maybe you can help explain a little more Sixty). Go check it out if you get some time.
Anyways, this is where I end this blog. Hope you enjoyed it. Bye!
Monday, February 11, 2008
So, It's been way to long since my last written blog. Sorry, I've been so slow on getting these up. Basically, I've been working way too much as usual and World of Warcraft has me in it's grasp.
I just hit level 49. Been having a ton of fun and my paladin has been pretty damn dominating as of late. I'm not sure what it is, but I have a much easier time playing him now.
So, I've decided, I'm going to try and finish Resistance. I'm on level 10 out of 30 right now. I want to finish Condemned, before its sequel comes out. I'm on Chapter 7 of 10. Those are my goals in console gaming, my pc gaming goal is to level as much as possible and get level 70 before the expansion comes out.
Look for my Uncharted and my Cod4 review tonight. I hope to get it up tonight, we will see how my night goes. This one will be short, see ya around!
I just hit level 49. Been having a ton of fun and my paladin has been pretty damn dominating as of late. I'm not sure what it is, but I have a much easier time playing him now.
So, I've decided, I'm going to try and finish Resistance. I'm on level 10 out of 30 right now. I want to finish Condemned, before its sequel comes out. I'm on Chapter 7 of 10. Those are my goals in console gaming, my pc gaming goal is to level as much as possible and get level 70 before the expansion comes out.
Look for my Uncharted and my Cod4 review tonight. I hope to get it up tonight, we will see how my night goes. This one will be short, see ya around!
Monday, February 4, 2008
I want my 360 back!
Hello everyone. I got a pretty good response back to people who read this, so that was really cool to know. Thank you everyone! What have I been up to? Well, I'll have you know, I tried uploading a couple random vlog videos the other day and it wouldn't work. Whatever..So, I am working on and about finished with my Uncharted review for the ps3.
I beat Uncharted last Friday. WOW! That's all I can really honestly say about that game. The gameplay, the story, the ending...all FANTASTIC. I would have no problem honoring this game as THE BEST on the ps3 right now. I'll explain more in my Uncharted review.
I played a little bit of Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii. I have to say, being a huge Resident Evil fan and zombie fan, I am kind of let down. I don't like the controls and the Wii Zapper doesn't seem to make it much easier. It very well could be a learning thing for me, maybe I need to adapt to the controls. I sure hope it gets better, seeing how I was extremely pumped up for the game.
World of Warcraft update: So, I hit level 42 on my paladin last night. I took a little break over the weekend on WoW, I need some social interaction. My fiancee and I went out to dinner and played Guitar Hero III with some friends of ours. Holy shit, I was rusty. I can beat expert songs, but I struggled bad when I started playing again. It had been atleast 3-4 months since I had played it. I need my xbox back, so I can get better at it again. Then the next day I watched the UFC fight with a couple friends. Was my first full UFC fight, was pretty cool. Some matches were boring as hell, but toward the end, they got much better. So, anyway, back to WoW. Definitely enjoying leveling, I got my mount at 40, so travel is much better. I am still used to the epic mount (100% increase in speed) from all my other high level characters, but the 60% increase in speed is still nice.
I watched Rush Hour 3 finally last night. I still need to watch Saw IV. I'll probably watch it tonight or tomorrow night, since my fiancee works tonight and tomorrow night. She hates those kinds of movies, which makes it hard for me to watch them when she is awake or at home.
Well, this was a pretty nice and lengthy update. Hope you enjoy it. See you all around!
I beat Uncharted last Friday. WOW! That's all I can really honestly say about that game. The gameplay, the story, the ending...all FANTASTIC. I would have no problem honoring this game as THE BEST on the ps3 right now. I'll explain more in my Uncharted review.
I played a little bit of Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii. I have to say, being a huge Resident Evil fan and zombie fan, I am kind of let down. I don't like the controls and the Wii Zapper doesn't seem to make it much easier. It very well could be a learning thing for me, maybe I need to adapt to the controls. I sure hope it gets better, seeing how I was extremely pumped up for the game.
World of Warcraft update: So, I hit level 42 on my paladin last night. I took a little break over the weekend on WoW, I need some social interaction. My fiancee and I went out to dinner and played Guitar Hero III with some friends of ours. Holy shit, I was rusty. I can beat expert songs, but I struggled bad when I started playing again. It had been atleast 3-4 months since I had played it. I need my xbox back, so I can get better at it again. Then the next day I watched the UFC fight with a couple friends. Was my first full UFC fight, was pretty cool. Some matches were boring as hell, but toward the end, they got much better. So, anyway, back to WoW. Definitely enjoying leveling, I got my mount at 40, so travel is much better. I am still used to the epic mount (100% increase in speed) from all my other high level characters, but the 60% increase in speed is still nice.
I watched Rush Hour 3 finally last night. I still need to watch Saw IV. I'll probably watch it tonight or tomorrow night, since my fiancee works tonight and tomorrow night. She hates those kinds of movies, which makes it hard for me to watch them when she is awake or at home.
Well, this was a pretty nice and lengthy update. Hope you enjoy it. See you all around!
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