Sunday, January 27, 2008

Damn you Blizzard!

So, World of Warcraft has pretty much consumed my life. I started playing it Saturday night around 5pm and I played it off and on until about 1am. Then I played all day today(from 1pm to now-10pm). I've leveled up my paladin on Cho'gall from 30 to 35(I'm 82% through level 35). If anyone plays WoW or plays on Cho'gall especially let me know. Would be cool to play with ya guys.

So, World of Warcraft has consumed most of my time, unfortunately, that means reviews and everything will take a bit longer. Well, this will be quick and short. Back to the obsession of WoW!

1 comment:

Sixty X Celph said...

Oh, World of Warcraft, you and your life-draining ways, haha.