Monday, January 21, 2008

Memorable Game Series

You're probably thinking, holy crap..two blogs in ONE day! I am bored at work and I figured I'd post memorable series.

The Zelda Series: Starting from the NES Zelda to the most current(Twilight Princess), I've never been fully let down. One Zelda I didn't like very much was Majora's Mask, but I still played it and almost fully beat it. I think because Ocarina of Time(my all time favorite) came out before Majora's Mask, I had such high expectations..that nothing could compare. Majora's Mask was a good story and all, just is my least favorite Zelda out.

Resident Evil Series: Now, I am a massive horror fan, more specifically a HUGE zombie fan. I love zombie movies, I think I enjoy them because the bad always wins it seems. You can't stop a zombie infestiation, it's impossible. So, when the first Resident Evil was released, I was young and I remember being scared. I love the feeling of being scared or "spooked". I think that might be a reason I love being a paranormal investigator(off subject-sorry). I never have gotten to play Code Veronica X (or whatever it was called), but I can say I've enjoyed all Resident Evil games. Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles is fun, but I need to play it more to give a full review. Let's just say, I am more anxious to play Resident Evil 5 than any other game at the moment (I believe it's slated for 2009).

Donkey Kong Series: This is a memorable series because I would sit down at the SNES with my dad and we would play for days until it was fully beaten. I think I most like this game, because it was a memorable father/son game. All three kicked ass on the SNES and we completed all three! Donkey Kong 64 was really enjoyable and I believe I beat it or was at the very end. Now-a-days the Donkey Kong series isn't what it was. I didn't enjoy the gamecube bongo Donkey Kong and the Wii version doesn't look very appealing.

Alone in the Dark Series: Now, I'm not sure how many will remember this game. When I first got into gaming, my dad and I played the Alone in the Dark games on the PC. They had to be installed through floppy disks (haha). Finding clues and being scared to death is what I miss most from those games. I believe 3 different games came out for the PC and we beat all three. A very memorable series!

Super Mario Bros. Series: Who could go through a list of game series and seriously forget the Mario franchise? The 3 for the NES are still games my fiancee and I play frequently. The SNES super mario is a classic and the Super Mario 64 very well could be in the top 10 games of all time for me. Super Mario Sunshine was the one game from the franchise I never played and I regret it, I'll try to find me a copy and purchase it down the road. Super Mario Galaxy is amazing and I need to play it more, I brings back that feeling of the Super Mario 64 game. Mario Kart is imfamous and I have never been let down by that series..double dash was my least favorite, but still kick ass. The Paper Mario series = phenominal(SP?). The gamecube Paper Mario was my favorite, but the Super Paper Mario(wii) is an inch behind it. Mario party is always fun for family gatherings or for a bunch of friends. Luigi's Mansion was fun to a certain extent. There have been a million and one games spun off of Mario and they were all fun!

-I would mention the Sonic Series, but to be honest, I never had the sega genesis until July of 2007, so I never fully got to be part of the Sonic history. Although the games are still fun from back in the day, I was never fully part of the history.

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