Thursday, August 28, 2008


I've just set up a paranormal investigation outside of Cincinnati. I'm pretty excited about it!

Reported activity: Doors opening/closing on their own. Voices, pots and pans moving. Apparations, shadow people and the sound of children playing. She thinks something that has been following her for years.

So, on Saturday 9/6, I'll be finding out what's going on.

Really that's all there is to say.



Diablo123owns said...

Wow, Good Luck on the investigation! Hopefully you'll be able to get something on tape to show it to YT? just a thought. anyway good luck :)!

Sixty X Celph said...

I agree with diablo, it'd be pretty cool if you got something on tape to show off. (^_^) *crosses fingers*

Mavrek48 said...

Dang Thats alot of activity, hopefully its not a bust. I'm jealous.

Tiffany48 said...

I can't wait to hear all about the investigation! I look forward to reading about it!