Friday, May 9, 2008

Subject Titles = Bleh

So yeah, this will probably be a short blog, because I really don't have a lot to say. I have tomorrow off work, but of course, I've got to go to some stupid wedding. I'm sorry, but I really don't enjoy weddings. They arn't fun at all to me. I really don't care for this one, because I don't know who the hell they are. Brittany wants me to go because it's her family, but I don't know who the hell is getting married.

Do you know how awkward it is when you don't know who the bride/groom is? I'll know a very small and select number of people there, but I still dislike weddings. They are so damn boring. So, on a day I have off from work, I have to go to a wedding that is 2 hrs+ away and the ceremony doesn't even start until 4:30, which means the reception runs late and I don't want to be getting home at 9 or 10pm when I have work at 6:00am. What a waste of my day. I know it sounds selfish, but if I knew the people who were getting married, I'd be like, "Hell yeah, let's go".

Ok, got that rant off my chest. I got my tax refund check today, woot. $600, but all goes to a wedding. I wish I could buy something sweet or actually have some nice spending money for awhile, but won't be doing that.

So, I've had a lot of requests to do a video with my sister(who I've talked about many times) about a game. I may very well be doing my GTA4 review with her. She just bought it last night along with Uncharted. So, I may do that Sunday(when I go see my mom for Mother's Day and upload it Sunday Night/Monday Morning).

Exciting News!: I just found out Diary of the Dead releases on DVD- May 20, 2008. So, I'll be buying two new releases that day(yes!).

To close this, I was wondering...I get home tonight from work around 11pm. Now, if I were to do a ustream around midnight, would anyone show up? Let me know, I may just very well do that.



Mavrek48 said...

I would show up....if i could remember ha

Sixty X Celph said...

I'd show up! Barring something unforeseen occurring, of course.

I'm with ya on weddings, by the by.

Definitely looking forward to a two-person review, that sounds like it'll be awesome. (^_^)

Anonymous said...

I possibly may show up, it will be 4am here BUT like yourself I don't have work tomorrow SO I might stay up to join you. Thats how dedicated I am. Whether or not I stay awake is a different matter haha!
Look forward to the GTA4 reviews :-) xxx