Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I really am not worried about the amount of subs I get, but I still think it's neat that I've surpassed the 500 mark.

So, I had a comment earlier in my last video. "All you do is sit there and talk. I'll unsubsribe if you don't do something different." It was something very similar. Does everyone who read this feel the same? I wish I could do gameplay, but I can't figure out how people transfer their video from the camcorder tapes to the computer. Ah well, I'll figure it out eventually.

I seriously hope my videos arn't getting boring. Anyways..

I watched the Brave One with Brittany yesterday. It's an ok movie. I'd recommend everyone rent it. It's very predictable and as I stated in the past, I'm not a Jodie Foster fan, but it's worth a watch once. It's just your usual grude/revenge movie. Nothing much else to say about it really.

So, I don't have much else to say. Wednesdays suck!



Sixty X Celph said...

I like opinions, so, I don't mind it a talkin' head vid, heh.

Mavrek48 said...

I never mind your videos. I never think oh he is always just sitting there. Gameplay would be ok I guess at times but I learned to know you in a little more of a personal way than if you always had gameplay footage, in my opinion